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Cheese Steaks Two Pack
Cheese Steaks Two Pack
Our Price: $139.50
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Our 2 Cheese Steaks package also includes 2 Philadelphia Soft Pretzels and a handful of Goldenberg's Peanut Chews

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Twenty (20) "Do It Yourself" Philly Cheese Steaks
Our Price: $299.90
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This is our most popular package with real "Cheese Steak Lovers".
Keep the makings in your freezer and cook one up whenever you get the urge.

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Ten (10) Do It Yourself Philadelphia Cheese Steaks.
Ten (10) Do It Yourself Philadelphia Cheese Steaks.
Our Price: $219.90
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PRICE INCLUDES OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: Everything you need to make genuine Philly Cheese Steaks right in your own kitchen. Package includes 5 pounds (10 half-pound portions) of frozen Philly Sandwich Steaks, 10 genuine Amoroso steak rolls and a supply of sliced white American cheese. You receive the entire package via overnight air. Keep some out for immediate use and freeze the rest to satisfy those future urges for a "Real Philly Cheese Steak". more info